Thursday, August 27, 2015

Using jQuery and ColdFusion to Retrieve and Save a List of Files

The Issue: We are required to scan our Web sites at work to insure that they meet Section 508 guidelines for accessibility.

The Problem: The scanner that we are required to use does not recognize spider traps. Since the site I have to scan contains over 4 million records and thus over 4 million URLs, the scanner will take hours to complete a scan and then report the same issue 4 million times.

The Fix (First Iteration): When the site was smaller, I would just save an example of each page to a directory on the Web server, then scan that directory for issues. The problem with this approach was that 1) it required me to manually save these HTML files and 2) would require me to remember each file that needed to be checked.

The Fix (Second Iteration): I decided a better approach would be to create a list of all URLs that needed to be scanned. Then write a server-side script to retrieve each one of those pages using wget and save them to the server. But I ran into a problem. Authentication on this site is a single sign-on (SSO) application that works by redirecting the user to a log in page on a different server, then redirect back after the user has successfully logged in. Maybe that could be handled in the server side script, but I don't want to figure out the code to do that.

The Fix (Final Iteration): It then occurred to me that a better solution would be to retrieve these files through AJAX. I would require authentication for my main page and then the AJAX calls would include my credentials. Of course client-side JavaScript can't save files to the server, but I found a way around that. Here's an overview of the solution:

Diagram illustrating an overview of the process

My main ColdFusion page contains a list of relative URLs to test. Then it loops through those to generate AJAX requests. JavaScript then returns HTML data. I pass the file name and encoded HTML back to ColdFusion through a second AJAX call. Then that ColdFusion page saves the HTML to my specified data. Here's a snippet of the code:
<cfset variables.count = 0>
<cfloop array="#variables.pagesToCheck#" index="variables.url">
    <cfset variables.count = variables.count + 1>
    $(function() {
        $("#current-file").text('Processing <cfoutput>#variables.url#</cfoutput>');
            url: '<cfoutput>#variables.url#</cfoutput>',
            async: false,
            dataType: 'html',
            error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                $('#file-list').append('<li style="font-weight: bold; color: red">Could not retrieve <cfoutput>#variables.url#</cfoutput>.  Error: ' + errorThrown + '</li>');
            success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                    async: false,
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: 'save_html.cfm',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    data: {
                        source: escape('<cfoutput>#variables.url#</cfoutput>'),
                        html: escape(data)
                    error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                        $('#file-list').append('<li>Could not process #variables.url#  Error: ' + errorThrown + '</li>');
                    success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                        $('#file-list').append('<li>' + data.source + ' - ' + data.success + '</li>');
And then here is the source of the save_html.cfm page:
<cfset variables.file_name = ReReplace(form.source, "[^\w\_]", "-", "ALL")>
    "source": "<cfoutput>#form.source#</cfoutput>",
    <cffile action="write" file="#application.webroot#/508/#variables.file_name#.html" output="#URLDecode(form.html)#">
    <cfcatch type="any">
        "Failed to save"
Now when I'm ready for 508 testing, I just run my page to create all of my HTML pages then set my scanner to my /508 directory.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Resizable HTML Table Columns Using jQuery UI

I went round and round this afternoon trying to find something to resize my table columns. It seemed like it should be easy but unfortunately it was not. All of the plug-ins I found seemed promising until I actually tried to implement them in my code. I finally realized that most of them long as my table was smaller than my viewport. I had tried to use the jQuery UI resizable function but to no avail. Finally, I figured out a way to do it.

The trick was to add a blank div within my <th> tag. Then upon resizing the column header, it would actually resize the div within.

Here's the code on Codepen.

Edit: I'm positive this code could be refactored to look/work better. This is just my first go at it.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Date Arithmetic

I am working this weekend on a major data migration. I have several millions records to manipulate, store, and index. I needed a way to calculate how long the process was going to take. Once I had it in hours, I still needed an easy way to figure out the end time. Instead of trying to do the math in my head, I figured there had to be a site that would calculate that for me. Sure enough there is and it's nicely done. Here's a link:
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