Monday, April 29, 2019

Make Your Console Statements Stand Out

Using the Chrome DevTools to debug your JavaScript code is great. Breakpoints are a great way to analyze what is going on with your code. But sometimes you just need an old-fashioned console.log. But if you have an app that is already chatty in development mode with a lot of console messages, there is a way to make your console statement stand out. You may not know that you can format your console statements with CSS. For example:
console.log('%cExample', 'background: #a00; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%');
will look like this in your console:


A better way to do it, though, is to use a JavaScript template literal. For example:
let xyz = 123;
console.log('%c%s', 'background: #a00; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%', 
  `The value of xyz is ${xyz}`);
Will produce:

The value of xyz is 123

Now to make it even easier, we can create a VS Code snippet:
"color-console": {
 "prefix": "color-console",
 "body": [
  "console.log('%c%s', 'background: #a00; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%', `$1`);"
 "description": "Color coded console message"
And then voilĂ 


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