Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Changing Chrome Policies for Testing

I recently ran into a situation where I was pretty sure that a group policy was breaking functionality on my intranet app, but I needed a way to test that theory. After some research, I finally figured out a way to do this.

I am working on an Oracle Virtual Box VM of Windows 7. Because it's a VM on my laptop, I have complete control over the operating system. To set the policy, I used the Windows Registry Editor regedit.

Within Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies, I created a new key called Google. Then within Google, I created a new key called Chrome.

From there, I just needed to add policies one by one until I figured out which one was breaking my app. The link at https://www.chromium.org/administrators/policy-list-3 provides a full list of policies. After saving a policy, I would restart Chrome and the new policy would be enabled. Sure enough, I found the culprit. By toggling this policy and restarting Chrome I could verify that the application worked and then broke with each change of the policy.

Example of Chrome policy set in Windows registry


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