#--- Change xyz123 to xyz000123 my $string = "xyz123"; $string =~ s/(\d+)$/sprintf("%06d", $1)/e;So here is what I started with in Oracle PL/SQL:
my_string := 'xyz123' regexp_replace(my_string, '(\d+)$', lpad('\1', 6, 0));And what I got was xyz0000123. What I discovered was that the LPAD function was being evaluated before the backreference (\1) was. So no matter what I did, the LPAD function always saw the string to be padded as 2 characters long.
So to get around this, I wrote another function called evalpad. With this, I do the replacement in 2 steps. The first is to replace the string with an embedded pad psuedo-function. Then I call a second function to do the actual replacement. Here's the code:
create or replace function evalpad ( strIn in varchar ) return varchar as retval varchar(255); arg1 varchar(50); arg2 varchar(50); padded_number varchar(100); begin retval := strIn; while (regexp_instr(retval, 'pad\((\d+)') > 0) loop arg1 := regexp_substr(retval, 'pad\((\d+)'); arg1 := regexp_replace(arg1, 'pad\(', ''); arg2 := regexp_substr(retval, 'pad\((\d+),\s*(\d+)'); arg2 := regexp_replace(arg2, 'pad\((\d+),\s*', ''); padded_number := lpad(arg1, arg2, 0); retval := regexp_replace(retval, 'pad\((\d+),\s*(\d+)\)', padded_number, 1, 1); end loop; return retval; end;Then in my original function I do this:
my_string := 'xyz123' regexp_replace(my_string, '(\d+)$', 'pad(\1, 6)'); my_string := evalpad(my_string);
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